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Live Event


Breaking down COP 27 and the role of technology for a greener, cleaner future

Breaking down COP 27 and the role of technology for a greener, cleaner future

February 28, 2023           03:00 p.m. GMT | 10:00 a.m. ET

Technology will play a key role in building a more sustainable future. But how do we move from where we are today to the ideal state? And how should we all think about data and processes to get there?

Next up on Sustainability Superheroes, we’ve invited Mattie Yeta, the Chief Sustainability Officer at CGI to give her summary of COP 27, the role of technology, and technology companies in assisting with sustainability goals, and how she’s thinking through sustainability strategy at her own company. 

Save your spot for this live event and learn:

  • What were the biggest takeaways from COP 27?
  • The role of technology and software companies for a more sustainable future
  • What are the tradeoffs and challenges the technology sector need to address? 
  • How to manage data the right way to set proper goals and create strategy

Save your spot today to hear from a top sustainability executive about her strategy and don’t forget to submit your questions ahead of time.


stephen-marlandStephen Marland
Director of Innovation and Strategy


A resilient and entrepreneurial leader, Stephen Marland has strong expertise in strategy and innovation delivery. Based in London, he has over 20 years' experience at National Grid PLC, specializing in business development, energy system analysis, and scenario planning, spanning gas, power, and system operator utility functions. More recently, he was Director of Innovation at National Grid Partners, the venture capital and innovation arm of National Grid, and project lead for a land sustainability management concept developed with AiDash. Stephen is a Chartered Engineer with a BEng and PhD in Chemical Engineering, and an MBA from Warwick Business School (UK).

Mattie Yeta Mattie Yeta
Chief Sustainability Officer


Mattie was appointed as Chief Sustainability Officer for CGI in the UK in March 2022. A member of CGI’s UK Executive, she is responsible for working with members across the organisation to achieve common sustainability goals. Mattie provides key support to CGI’s external facing engagements in this area, continuing to develop a strong relationship with the United Nations and COP summits, and providing actionable insights for clients. Mattie has substantial experience and expertise in sustainable development at strategic and delivery levels across the public and private sectors. She has led substantive change in the sustainable development arena through various boards she sits on. For more information on Mattie and CGI, click here.